Insuring your Wedding Event is Possible Now

One of the most auspicious and much awaited events in life is Marriage, which marks the beginning of a new phase. The wedding ceremony is one such occasion which brings together friends and family to create the most pleasant and memorable experience. A marriage ceremony also incurs a substantial amount of expenditure largely depending on the size of the crowd and function you want to go for. Apart from the grandeur and celebrations, one cannot rule out uncertainties during this time which has the potential to inflict losses on the parties involved. To shield yourself against monetary losses and to cover any untoward uncertainty that might have the potential to disrupt the wedding event, these days it's important to have a cover that protects you from monetary losses in case of any interruptions leading to cancellation or postponement of the event. These disruptions can be either natural or man made and can have the potential to cause damage to personal or public property. In events like marriages which spreads for days, there are plenty of open risks, it’s reasonable to cover yourself with a Wedding Insurance Policy which offers to protect you against innumerable risks.

Benefits of Wedding Insurance -

  • The range of cover comprises of cancellation of the event from any natural and manmade dangers which is inclusive of damage to property or injury/death.
  • The Insurance also provides cover on the “Public Liability” front where injury/damage occurs as a result of accident at the event venue during the policy period.
  • Damages caused to property due to natural and man made perils includes the temporary set up, decorations, jewellery etc.
  • With this policy, the Personal Accident cover will also include compensation for pre-declared individuals against disablement and death.

Wedding Insurance Covers

1) If there is any Cancellation or postponement of the wedding event due to the following reasons-
  • Earthquake/fire and other dangers at the venue of the event.
  • Theft or Robbery.
  • If the individual(s) named under the policy is absent for the wedding event due to death, injury, hospitalization or any other reasons mentioned in the policy document.
  • The sum insured under the policy includes costs of printed cards, advance paid to the caterer, the wedding hall or venue, advance payments for decorations, hotel bookings, cost of travel tickets etc.
2) Any Physical loss or damage to the property insured under the policy covers-
  • Earthquake & fire dangers.
  • Theft or Robbery.
  • Material damage condition which consists of the decoration costs, jewellery and ornaments, appliances, etc. as specified in the policy document.
3) The Personal Accident cover for the persons covered under the policy includes-
  • The individuals named in the policy inclusive of blood relation are covered against any accidental death.
  • Permanent total or partial disability is covered for individuals whose name have been declared earlier before availing the insurance.
4) The Public Liability cover also includes protection against any accidental injury or death at the wedding venue. It also includes third party property damage.

Wedding Insurance would be Rejected if -

  • If there is cancellation of the marriage event due to strikes or civil unrest, it will not be considered for compensation.
  • Due to any terrorist attacks.
  • The individuals covered under the policy are kidnapped or taken away per force.
  • Delay in reaching the venue on time due to unavailability of transport services.
  • Any consequential losses because of cancellation of the wedding event.
  • Damage caused to the property on direction issued by the insured member or any other linked to them.
  • In case of death or injury caused to the persons insured due to outbreak of war or similar situation.
  • Self administered injury or suicide.